Jean Monnet Summer School
Deadline: 09.06.2008.
Scholarship administrator: | Sveučilište u Rijeci |
Level: | short course |
Field of study: | Social Sciences |
Place of study: | Croatia |
Jean Monnet Summer School «International Environment and European Integration» 2008
Faculty of Economics and Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Rijeka are organizing the IVth International Summer School entitled «International Environment and European Integration» which will be held from July 7th to July 18th 2008, in Rijeka.
The goal of the EFRI Summer School is to broaden the knowledge of students of economics, law and other related studies on the basics of the economic integration process in Europe (focusing on Croatia and South East Europe), and to point out the advantages and challenges of economic integration in everyday life.
The course work will consist of lectures, workshops and an assignment to be completed in groups with the support of course supervisors. Due to its specific approach to the European Union & the International Environment, this course will suite both the students who already have a basic knowledge of EU matters and those who want to know more.
The Summer School program is developed in cooperation with the local community, successful Croatian companies, domestic and foreign institutions. Classes will be held by lecturers from Croatian and European Universities, as well as other institutions. Classes are completely in English and will be held at the Faculty of Economics Rijeka. Participants will learn about Europe and will be awarded 6 ECTS credits. The number of applications is limited: in case of a larger turnout of applicants, candidates will be shortlisted.
Accommodation and a wide array of social events will be arranged for the students: visits to Croatian companies, get-together-parties, day-trips and excursions. All these events have been designed for university students and with a student budget in mind.
To register please send the filled application form, together with a letter of motivation (an essay of max. 2 pages) to:
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics
EFRI Summer school
Ivana Filipovica 4
HR – 51000 Rijeka
Parts of the essay may be published in the participant's welcome booklet together with some personal data collected from the application forms. With the application forms applicants must enclose proof of academic progress (transcript of grades or other relevant University certificates), at least one letter of reccomendation and 2 photos (passport size).
The letter of motivation should contain general information about the applicants, their interests, country and region of residence. Applicants should also explain the reasons for applying and show their ongoing interest in topics of the summer school.
Applicants, including the students from the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka are entitled to partial scholarships!
Please, write in capital letters and send it by postal mail until June 9th 2008 (postmark).
For further questions, call +385/51/355-111 or send e-mails to:
The Summer School Organising committee will make a selection among the received applications, if necessary. After the selection, applicants will be notified about the acceptance by e-mail and informed about the registration fee payment procedure. The number of participants is limited to 45 persons. Application via e-mail cannot be accepted.
Application materials:
In order to apply please enclose:
- application form (attached below)
- letter of motivation
- letter of recommendation (at least one)
- transcript of grades (or other proof of academic progress)
- 2 photos
- scholarship application form (attached below)
EFRI Summer School provides a limited number of partial scholarships for talented students, to be given primarily to applicants from or countries where local scholarship funds are more limited (mostly non-EU countries) and Universities with whom the Faculty of Economics Rijeka has cooperation agreements. Scholarships will be selected by the The Summer School Organising committee on the basis of academic, personal and economic reasons.
The EFRI Summer School 2008 is open to both undergraduates (preferably close to finishing their degrees), graduate and postgraduate students of Business and Economics and other Social Studies.
Fill in the attached scholarship application form and post it with other application materials. In this form candidates should explain reasons for financial support. Candidates for scholarships will be informed in time.
For more information see
Application form (208 kb)
Scholarship form (30 kb)