OSI/FCO Chevening stipendije za Sveučilište Oxford i Sveučilište York
Deadline: 14.01.2009.
Scholarship administrator: | Institut za razvoj obrazovanja |
Level: | postgraduate, doctoral, professional visit |
Field of study: | Social Sciences, Humanities |
Place of study: | United Kingdom |
University of Oxford & University of York
The Institute for the Development of Education, Zagreb welcomes applications from citizens of Croatia for the OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships 2009-2010, which are jointly funded by the Open Society Institute and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Scholarship details
The scholarships are intended to provide opportunities for postgraduate study in selected fields in the United Kingdom for scholars and young professionals who demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision makers and opinion formers in their home countries. Applicants must have excellent academic qualifications, a clear and precise proposal describing what they wish to study, and a fluent command of the English language. The scholarships cover all university and college fees, travel to and from the UK, and basic living expenses for a single person.
Within the Scholarship Scheme the following options are available:
Research Scholarships
- Nine-month Research Scholarships at the University of Oxford (1st October 2009 to 30th June 2010 inclusive) for postgraduate research contributing towards a doctoral degree in the candidate’s home institution. Up to 22 awards are available for all the participating countries. These awards may be held for study in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences. These scholarships do not allow scholars to register for a degree at the University.
Master’s Scholarships
- Option A: One-year Scholarships to read for a Master’s degree at the University of Oxford. Up to 15 awards are available, and are for study in the Social Sciences, Humanities or Environmental Sciences (except for the courses listed under `Management Studies`) leading to masters degrees.
Although application is via the University of Oxford’s main Graduate Admissions form, applicants should not send the application directly to Oxford, but return it via the Institute for the Development of Education in Zagreb, so that we can assist with the submission of the form to the University. For further details on applying to study at Oxford please visit this page.
- OPTION B: Twelve-month scholarships to read for an MA in Political Philosophy (The Idea of Toleration) at the University of York (October 2009 to September 2010 inclusive).
- All one year taught Masters courses within the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences and Humanities Divisions (except for the courses listed under "Management studies") are eligible for the scholarship. You can check if your course is eligible by consulting the University’s prospectus or visiting the Graduate Admissions website.
- Any scholarship awards are conditional upon you being offered a place to study at Oxford, and meeting all the conditions of that offer (e.g. obtaining the required score in an English language proficiency test).
- Applicants must be citizens of and resident in one of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine or Uzbekistan.
- Applicants should be planning to return to their home country at the end of the period of study.
- Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied in Western universities.
- Applicants must demonstrate the potential to become leaders, decision makers, and opinion formers in their home country. This requirement will be treated as of considerable importance in the selection process.
- Applicants should have a proven track record of success or excellence in their professional life distinguishing them from their peers and contemporaries.
- Employees, employee's relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than 2 years before) of the FCO, the British Council, the Educational Advising Centers or other OSI-NSP representations in the region, or the participating Universities will not be eligible to apply for these awards. In accordance with FCO guidelines, those who in the past three years received UK Government funded scholarships or those who are seeking military training are also not eligible for this scholarship.
Please note that all successful applicants will be invited to attend a 1-month preparatory academic writing summer school in July or August 2009. The exact date and location of the summer school will be available at a later stage of the selection process.
Application forms
Application forms for the OSI/FCO Chevening scholarships as well as for the University of Oxford are available below (N.B: there are two different application forms for the Research or the Master’s Scholarships at Oxford, as well as for study at York).
For further information and details, please contact the local OSI scholarships administration centre in Croatia:
Institute for the Development of Education
(Institut za razvoj obrazovanja)
Preradovićeva 33/I, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 4817195; +385 1 4555151
E-mail: tfarnell@iro.hr
Deadlines and selection process
Completed application forms (and required supporting materials) for both Scholarships must be returned to the Institute for the Development of Education at the address above not later than January 14, 2009.
It is expected that interviews of short-listed candidates will be held in Croatia during between 7th April and 18th April 2009; the precise dates will be announced nearer the time; only candidates who are available for interview can be considered.
Additional notes
All applicants must return a total of 3 copies of the relevant application form (1 original and 2 photocopies) to the Institute for the Development of Education by the set deadline.
While an Application Fee is included in this year’s application forms for Oxford, all candidates who return their application forms by the aforementioned deadline to the Institute for the Development of Education are NOT required to pay the application fee, which will be covered by OSI. The application fee field in the application form can therefore be left empty.
1. Oxford Masters– OSI notes for applicants (159 kb)
2. Oxford Masters – Graduate Application Form (138 kb)
3. Oxford Masters – Notes of Guidance (243 kb)
4. Oxford Masters - Supporting Statement (21 kb)
5. Oxford Research – Application Form and Notes (303 kb)
6. York Masters - Application form and notes (181 kb)
7. Oxford and York_Confidential Reference Form (57 kb)
Previous year's competition
OSI/FCO Chevening stipendije za Sveučilište Oxford i Sveučilište York (2007)
OSI/FCO Chevening stipendije za Sveučilište Oxford i Sveučilište York (2006)
OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships: University of Oxford & University of York (2005)