OSI FCO Chevening Scholarships za Sveučilište Cambridge
Deadline: 15.01.2010.
Scholarship administrator: | Institut za razvoj obrazovanja |
Level: | postgraduate |
Field of study: | Social Sciences, Humanities |
Place of study: | United Kingdom |
OSI/FCO Chevening/Cambridge University Scholarships
Offered in collaboration with the Open Society Institute, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Cambridge Trusts (Cambridge Overseas Trust, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust), these scholarships enable students of outstanding academic merit to pursue one-year taught postgraduate courses of study at the University of Cambridge in subjects relevant to the needs of their countries.
1. Eligible Countries & Subjects
Eligible subjects/courses for Croatian citizens are:
MPhil in Criminology, Development Studies, Education, English and Applied Linguistics, Historical Studies, History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science, Technology & Medicine, International Relations, Philosophy, Political Thought & Intellectual History, Social Anthropology, or LLM Law.
2. Eligibility
- Applicants must be citizens of and resident in one of the following countries during the academic year in which they apply for the award: Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being resident;
- Applicants should be planning to return to their home country at the end of the period of study;
- All applicants must have completed at least three years of a university BA course (in the Bologna system) or four years of university study and have obtained, or expect to obtain, the appropriate degree(s) not later than September 2010.
- Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied outside of their home country
- Applicants must demonstrate the potential to become leaders, decision makers, and opinion formers in their home country. This requirement will be treated as of considerable importance in the selection process, and applicants should be sure to complete Section 9 of the OSF Chevening Application Form fully and appropriately.
- Applicants will be required to have passed an English proficiency test (TOEFL or IELTS) before being offered a Scholarship. The minimum requirement for some of the courses available is in TOEFL 600 (250 in the computer-based test) or IELTS 7.0; however most courses require the higher minimum requirement of IELTS 7.5, and some IELTS 8.0. Please refer to the University of Cambridge Graduate Studies Prospectus for further details.
- Applicants must not already have received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous HMG fully funded Scholarship;
Employees, employee's relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than 2 years before) of FCO (including FCO Posts), the British Council, the Educational Advising Centers or other OSI representations in the region and the participating Universities will not be eligible to apply for these awards.
Please note that successful applicants will be invited to the OSI NSP Pre-Academic Summer School that will be held in August 2010 in Istanbul. The Network Scholarship Programmes’ (NSP) Pre-Academic Summer Program is designed to prepare NSP grantees for successful academic experiences in the UK. Successful applicants will be provided with the opportunity to refine their research and writing skills through intensive courses in academic writing and social sciences.
3. Application Process & Deadlines
- All applicants must complete the OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarship Application and return it to their local OSI scholarships administration centre (for Croatia: Institute for the Development of Education, Preradovićeva 33/I, 10000 Zagreb) by 1 February 2010.
All applicants must also send the Graduate Admission and Scholarship Application Form (GRADSAF) to the Board of Graduate Studies at Cambridge by the general deadline of 15 January 2010. However, if a course deadline is earlier, the GRADSAF must be returned to the Board of Graduate Studies to meet that deadline. Please consult the website of the University of Cambridge to learn about each course deadline.
Please note that there is an application fee to the University of Cambridge of £35. It is candidates responsibility to arrange the payment to the university.
Important note regarding language tests results deadlines: Test certificates if available must be also sent to the Graduate Admissions Office at Cambridge University. Depending on the course applied for; applicants may be disqualified if this information is not submitted by the application deadline; however in some cases the test results may be submitted at a later date. Please refer to this web site for further details.
4. Selection Process
Applications for admission to the university will be considered by the Board of Graduate Studies (the graduate admitting authority of the University).
Short-listed applicants will be required to take an English language test (if they were not required to take it already by the admissions applications deadline), which will be arranged by the local Soros foundation/Advising Center.
Applicants offered a place by the Board of Graduate will be interviewed in their home countries.
Final decisions will be made in June/July 2009.
5. Guidance Notes & Applications
The Graduate Admission and Scholarship Application Form (GRADSAF) for admission to the University of Cambridge, which all applicants must also complete, should be downloaded here:
- Graduate Application Pack (pdf, 7.6 MB)
Guidance notes, application forms, and lists of the required supporting documents for the OSI/FCO Chevening scholarships can be found below.
6. Financial Terms
The scholarships will cover the University Composition Fee at the overseas rate, approved college fees, a maintenance allowance sufficient for a single student, and one return economy airfare to the UK. No financial support is provided for dependants or family members.
7. Contact Information
For further details and an application, applicants from Croatia should contact the local OSI scholarships administration centre at the following address:
Institute for the Development of Education
Tel: 01/ 4817 195, 01/ 4555 151
Fax: 01/ 4555 150
URL: http://www.iro.hr
E-mail: iro@iro.hr
For more detailed information about the University of Cambridge please visit the following web sites:
- University of Cambridge: official web site of the University www.cam.ac.uk
- Graduate Studies Prospectus: Detailed information on all taught courses at Cambridge. www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/gsprospectus/
1. OSI Scholarship Application Form (933 kb)
2. Guidance notes for OSI scholarship application (920 kb)
Previous year's competition
OSI FCO Chevening Scholarships za Sveučilište Cambridge (2009)
OSI FCO Chevening Scholarships za Sveučilište Cambridge (2008)
OSI FCO Chevening Scholarships za Sveučilište Cambridge (2007)
OSI/FCO Chevening/Cambridge Scholarships (2006)