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Politics of Citizenship Summer School, Budapest

Deadline: 25.02.2013.

Scholarship administrator: Central European University
Level: short course
Field of study: Social Sciences
Place of study: Hungary


Politics of Citizenship Summer School, Budapest


The Nationalism Studies Program at Central European University is pleased to announce its call for applications for the summer course The Politics of Citizenship to be held in Budapest, Hungary, from 8 July to 19 July 2013.

Recent years have seen an explosion of empirical and normative scholarly interest in citizenship across many disciplines. This course seeks to provide an overview of some of the main topical issues and scholarly perspectives in the social sciences, with special but not exclusive attention to citizenship in the law and politics of the states of Europe with a special focus on Eastern Europe. In addition to the overview the evolution of citizenship regimes, the course will offer an in-depth analysis of different normative frameworks and also analyse their policy implications.

Given the special circumstances of new state formation and state succession in large parts of Eastern Europe after 1989, special attention will be given to problems of membership, ethnic selectivity, migration, transnational and dual citizenship with their implications on the de- or re-ethnicization of citizenship. These processes will be examined from comparative and normative perspectives within the larger European context that connects citizenship of the Member States of the EU through a common citizenship of the Union and its associated rights of free movement.

Several course faculty are members of the European Commission funded EUDO Citizenship project, a research network which focuses on the citizenship policies in the EU member states and Eastern and Southern borderlines (fSU, Turkey, fRY) of the Union. The research group offers the most comprehensive comparative analysis of European citizenship regimes. The summer course will concentrate on some specific issues that dominate the debate in the old and the new EU states and have to do with the potential re-ethnicization of citizenship through the instrument of non-resident dual citizenship for ethnic kins. It will also disseminate the recent and not yet published novel findings of the project. The faculty will draw intensively on the unique research materials of the project such as citizenship statistics, comparative database on modes of acquisition and loss of citizenship in the European Union member states, collection of laws related to external citizenship, compilation of citizenship related international norms, EU citizenship case law, available online HERE.

Financial Aid

The tuition is 550 euros, with accommodation costing 17 euros per night in double rooms, but financial aid is available in the following categories:

  • tuition waiver
  • accommodation grant
  • travel grant (full or partial)

Participants from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and Mongolia, as well as those coming from emerging countries worldwide can apply for financial aid in all categories listed above.

Participants from developed countries are expected to pay tuition fee. However, there are a limited number of tuition waivers available on a competitive basis. Those who wish to apply for a tuition waiver should send a separate cover letter specifying their reasons. READ HERE for more information about the summer school financial matters.


Applications are invited from MA students, PhD students, researchers, and junior faculty. Undergraduates without a university degree will not be considered. The interdisciplinary course will be most suitable for participants who have pursued or intend to pursue independent research related to the citizenship legislation.

The language of instruction is English, thus all applicants have to demonstrate a strong command of spoken and written English to be able to participate actively in discussions at seminars and workshops.


The application deadline is 28 February 2013. Below is the list of the documents you need to prepare or arrange for submission:

  • Online Application Form AVAILABLE HERE. SUN’s Online Application Form, delivered by Embark, enables the online submission of the application form itself as well as all other relevant documentation, including CV’s and resumes, letter of recommendation, statements of purpose and application essays (such as research proposal, case study, paper proposal, writing samples, academic records, etc.), eliminating all paper mailing to the SUN Office. Should you have questions regarding the application form, check the relevant Frequently Asked Questions section of the Summer University web site.
  • Letter of Recommendation Please arrange for a letter of recommendation to be written by a referee (faculty member, job supervisor, etc.) who can attest to your abilities, qualifications and academic/professional performance.
  • Full curriculum vitae or resume, including a list of publications, if any
  • Statement of Research Interest (max. 2 pages) Please describe how the course is relevant for your research, and in what way you expect to benefit from participating in the course.
  • Writing sample. Please submit an English language article or research paper, preferably (but not necessarily) related to the field of citizenship studies. This could be a published piece or an unpublished work in progress.






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