2014 Full-time MBA Scholarships at Norwich Business School of University of East Anglia in UK
Deadline: 01.08.2013.
Scholarship administrator: | University of East Anglia |
Level: | postgraduate |
Field of study: | Social Sciences |
Place of study: | United Kingdom |
2014 Full-time MBA Scholarships at Norwich Business School of University of East Anglia in UK
Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia is offering full-time MBA scholarships in UK. Three scholarships namely : early bird Scholarships, Norwich Business School UK and EU Scholarship, Norwich Business School International Scholarship are offered. Five scholarships are offered under early bird category five under UK and EU scholarships category and three under Norwich Business School International scholarship. Application should be send by electronically.
Study Subject(s): These scholarships are awarded in MBA at University of East Anglia.
Course Level: These scholarships are for pursuing Masters-MBA degree level at University of East Anglia in UK.
- full-time MBA offer holders
- Commencing full-time MBA programme in 2014
UK and EU can apply for Norwich Business School UK and EU Scholarships and Norwich Business School International Scholarships are awarded to MBA offer holders with international status
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Applicants from UK or EU (Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City) and International students are eligible for Full-time MBA Scholarships. (UK and EU can apply for Norwich Business School UK and EU Scholarships and Norwich Business School International Scholarships are awarded to MBA offer holders with international status).
Scholarship Description: We are offering the following scholarships for entry to the 2014 Full-time MBA programme: Early Bird Scholarships We are offering five Early Bird scholarships worth 50 per cent (£8,750) of the full-time MBA course. Norwich Business School UK and EU Scholarships (£5,000) Norwich Business School is offering five scholarships, each worth £5,000 to Full-time MBA offer holders with UK or EU status. Norwich Business School International Scholarship (£5,000) Norwich Business School is offering three scholarships, each worth £5,000, to full-time MBA offer holders with international status. If you apply for a scholarship and are unsuccessful, you will automatically be considered for a bursary.
Number of awards offered: 5- Early Bird Scholarships 5-Norwich Business School 3-Norwich Business School scholarships are offered.
What does it cover? Early Bird Scholarships- scholarships worth 50 per cent (£8,750) of the full-time MBA course. Norwich Business School-Each worth £5,000 to Full-time MBA. Norwich Business School- Each worth £5,000, to full-time MBA.
Notification: Scholarship applicants will be informed whether they have been successful by the end of October 2013. If you apply for a scholarship and are unsuccessful, you will automatically be considered for a bursary.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is electronically. To apply for any of the scholarships, please send us a 1,000-word statement outlining how your ideas and achievements will be contributing to the cohort of our January 2014 MBA programme. Please email your 1,000-word statement to scholarshipsnbs-at-uea.ac.uk
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications for early bird scholarships is 1st August 2013 and 18th October 2013 for Norwich Business School UK and EU Scholarships, Norwich Business School International Scholarship.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application