Research EU & Russian External Affairs, Stockholm
Deadline: 03.02.2014.
Scholarship administrator: | Swedish Institute of International Affairs |
Level: | professional visit, stucni studij |
Field of study: | Social Sciences |
Place of study: | Sweden |
Research EU & Russian External Affairs, Stockholm
Deadline: 3 February 2014
Open to: candidates with PhD in a discipline relevant for the thematic position
Fellowship: SEK 35,200 (EUR 3,900)
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska institutet, or UI for short) is looking for researchers, preferably at the postdoc level, to join their Europe and Russia programmes, respectively. Time-limited positions are open for applications within the following two themes:
1. EU external relations – They will consider applications on all aspects of the EU’s external relations, including the EU’s global role, participation in global governance, CFSP, relations with other powers and regions, neighbourhood policy, institutional issues, and the linkages between external and internal affairs. Researchers working on this theme will be part of UI’s Europe Programme.
2. Russian external relations – They will consider applications on all aspects of Russia’s external relations, including neighbourhood policy, Arctic policy, security policy, participation in global governance, relations with other powers and regions, and the linkages between external and internal affairs. Researchers working on this theme will be part of UI’s Russia Programme.
You must have a PhD in a discipline relevant for the thematic position you apply for. They are primarily looking for younger scholars at the postdoc level. Female applicants are especially welcome, given the gender imbalance in UI’s research department.
The most important merits are your scientific promise and achievements, as shown particularly through your PhD thesis, and your international peer-reviewed publications. Your expertise and publications should be clearly relevant for the thematic position you apply for. Working language is English, so advanced proficiency in spoken and written English is required and needs to be documented. You must also have good communication skills, demonstrated by your ability to collaborate with other researchers, both nationally and internationally. Knowledge of the Swedish language and of Swedish society is an advantage, but not a requirement. Interest in and experience of policy-oriented analysis, popular science communication, and multidisciplinary research environments are also of advantage.
The time-limited employment at UI constitutes 60-80 percent of full time, for up to three consecutive years. The planned start of employment is Monday 1 September 2014. All researchers in the Special Research Programme have the same salary (currently SEK 35,200 = EUR 3,900), which is taxable in Sweden.
The closing date is Monday 3 February 2014. Decisions will be announced via e-mail in mid-April 2014. Your application must include:
Cover page including your full name, age, gender, postal address, telephone, e-mail, current employer and position, details of two referees including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, how many years you apply for (1-3 years), and, if applicable, your Swedish social security number (personnummer);
Letter of intent (3-5 pages) in which you clarify: Which research position you apply for; Why you apply for this position; Your project proposal (what research questions you are interested in within the given theme, your understanding of past research, your ideas on theoretical approach and research design, time plan), Your experience of policy-oriented analysis and research communication;
A copy of your PhD thesis;
One additional scientific publication (peer-reviewed article or book), and one policy-oriented or popular science publication;
- Full CV including a list of publications.
Send your application package in nine (9) identical copies to:
Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Box 27035,
SE 102 51 Stockholm,
(Attention: Lisen Bergquist).
Mark your envelop “SFP Application 2014”.
Questions can be addressed to Research Coordinator Lisen Bergquist (
For more information visit the official website HERE and see the official call for applications HERE.