ICIQ International PhD Fellowship Programme “la Caixa”- Severo Ochoa in Spain
Deadline: 24.05.2016.
Scholarship administrator: | La Caixa Foundation |
Level: | doctoral |
Field of study: | Natural Sciences |
Place of study: | Spain |
La Caixa Foundation dodjeljuje stipendije za poslijediplomski studij prirodnih znanosti u Španjolskoj. Prijaviti se mogu svi kandidati sa završenim diplomskim studijem u području kemije, farmacije, biologije, fizike, biokemije ili kemijskoga inženjerstva.
Više informacija možete pronaći na linku.
“la Caixa” Foundation is pleased to offer ICIQ International PhD Fellowship Programme in Spain. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
The foundation is offering fellowship to provide candidates the opportunity to join one of ICIQ’s research groups and carry out their research in the frame of ICIQ’s Severo Ochoa programme.
la Caixa” Foundation’s mission is to lead, from the vantage point of molecular science, cross-strategies for solving major social and economic challenges, thereby contributing to the establishment of a knowledge-based economy and improving citizens’ quality of life.
The successful candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and solid working knowledge of English.
Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue PhD programme.
Study Subject: The current call offers 3 positions funded by “la Caixa”. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to join one of ICIQ’s research groups and carry out their research in the frame of ICIQ’s Severo Ochoa programme: “Facing global challenges with catalysis: Small molecules that can change our lives”. Particularly, they will work in the fields of solar fuels through light-induced water splitting and Activation of small, carbon-based inert molecules.
Scholarship Award: The gross yearly salary of the contract shall be €18.546,56 (1st year),€19.303,56 (2nd year), €20.666,16 (3rd year) and €22.558,67 (4th year), split into 12 monthly payments. This salary includes full social security coverage (health and accident insurance) and pension and unemployment benefits. In addition to the salary, the students will receive a onetime annual allowance of €1.500 (for 1st and 2nd year) and €1.700 (for 3rd and 4th year). That allowance covers miscellaneous expenses, such as university fees, expenses derived for international congress attendance and/or stays in international research centres.
Scholarship can be taken at: Spain
Eligibility: Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for this Fellowship.
The CIQ International PhD Fellowships Programme “la Caixa” – Severo Ochoa is addressed to graduate students from any nationality that fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
- Candidates must hold a Master’s degree in the areas of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry or Chemical Engineering or an equivalent degree, which allows them to start PhD studies.
- The successful candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and solid working knowledge of English.
- Candidates who have had a previous scientific collaboration with the ICIQ for more than six consecutive months before the application deadline are not eligible for these fellowships. Candidates must not have a predoctoral contract before the fellowship is awarded.
- The applicants may not have held a grant for postgraduate studies funded by “la Caixa” Foundation.
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Candidates must hold a Master’s degree in the areas of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry or Chemical Engineering or an equivalent degree, which allows them to start PhD studies.
English language Requirements: The successful candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and solid working knowledge of English.
Supporting Material: In addition to the application for the scholarship, the applicant must submit the following documents:-
All the application procedure will be done online. Applicants must fill out and submit the online application form displayed in the Apply button before May 24th, 2016.
After completing the personal data fields, applicants will be asked to attach in PDF files the following documents in English:
- – Curriculum Vitae, specifying the completed degree and any relevant information (publications, previous fellowships, mobility, professional experience, etc.).
- – A motivation letter with declaration of interests.
- – Scanned copy of the certified academic record of the studies granting access to the PhD programme (Both Bachelor and Master academic records). Those candidates which do not have the Master academic record at the application deadline can proceed with the application and will have to be able to present it at the last Stage of the selection process.
- For degrees obtained in foreign institutions:
- The academic record must include the range of marks used in the corresponding countries and the minimum mark to pass. Academic records must show the dates of enrolment, all subjects or courses, units, credits or hours, and grades for each subject.
- The average grade mark of the academic record shall be calculated by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ask for the ANECA equivalence of average marks. Here you’ll find the instructions for managing applications to ANECA.
- The names and contact data of up to two scientists willing to provide reference letters for the candidate.
- Please note that documents sent in hard copy cannot be processed. For academic records not issued in Catalan, Spanish or English, a certified translation in one of the above mentioned languages should be provided.
- Once the application is submitted, an acknowledgement e-mail will be automatically sent. Candidates must ensure that all information is included before the deadline. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
How to Apply: The mode of application is online.
Application Form Link
Application Deadline: Fellowship application deadline is May 24, 2016.