PhD Studentships in Cellular Stress Signaling at the University of Copenhagen
Deadline: 14.03.2016.
Scholarship administrator: | University of Copenhagen |
Level: | doctoral |
Field of study: | Medicine and Health, Biotechnical Sciences |
Place of study: | Denmark |
The University of Copenhagen, Center for Healthy Aging, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM) nudi stipendirani trogodišnji doktorski program kandidatima koji imaju diplomsku diplomu ekvivalentnog područja. Područje bavljenja odnosi se na molekularnu i staničnu biologiju te uključuje mjesečnu plaću.
Prijave su otvorene do 14.03.2016. te su otvorene za danske i međunarodne studente.
Više detalja o prijavi možete naći u navedenom tekstu te na službenoj web stranici.
The University of Copenhagen, Center for Healthy Aging, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM), invites applications for a three-year PhD fellowship from candidates who hold a relevant Master degree or its equivalent. Previous molecular or cell biological experience is welcome. The successful candidate will work on her/his own project in collaboration with other members of the team. The position is available from 1 May 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Danish as well as international applicants;
Holders of relevant Master degree or its equivalent;
Previous molecular or cell biological experience is welcome;
It is a prerequisite for the appointment as a PhD fellow that the person concerned can be registered as a PhD fellow according to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Executive Order no 18 of 14. January 2008.
Successful PhD candidate will be offered a full-time position for a period of three years, contingent on a satisfactory performance, with the specific intent that it results in a PhD degree and scientific publications;
Salary and other terms and conditions of appointment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant professional organization.
How to apply?
Applications must be written in English and include:
A motivation for the application (up to 1 A4 page);
Curriculum vitae;
List of publications;
A copy of MSc diploma and grade transcripts;
A short review of scientific research conducted previously for an MSc thesis or equivalent;
The names, e-mails, telephone numbers and addresses of 2-3 referees.
In order to apply you should register on the platform and submit the required documents latest by 14 March 2016.