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Scholarships at the University of Manchester, UK

Deadline: 30.06.2017.

Scholarship administrator: University of Manchester
Level: undergraduate
Field of study: Natural Sciences, Engineering
Place of study: United Kingdom


Sveučilište Manchester, nudi deset stipendija za preddiplomski studij. Stipendije se obnavaljaju svake godine u maksimalnoj dužini od četiri godine, ovisno o rezultatima studenta.

Što je sve potrebno: 

  • Preddiplomski studij mora biti u okviru programa Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at The University of Manchester
  • high performance in their high school final year examinations (or equivalent) and the academic reference on their UCAS forms


  • godišnji iznos od £2.000

 Rok za prijavu:

  • 30.lipanj 2017.

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