Stipendije Općine Đurmanec
Institution that administrates this scholarship program: | Općina Đurmanec |
Types of financial support: | Scholarship |
Number of scholarships: | 20 učeničkih te 15 studentskih |
Amount of scholarship: | 450kn mjesečno za studente, 250kn mjesečno za učenike |
Application deadline: | 27.10.2009. |
Duration of scholarship: | 1 akademska godina |
Field of study: | not defined |
Level of study: | not defined |
Place of study: | Croatia |
Types of support: | The scholarship partially covers costs of study |
Komentar: | Ukupno je pristiglo 85 zahtjeva za potporom, no 35 najboljih učenika i studenata je dobilo stipendije. Izvor podataka: Zagorski list, 20.11.2009., Vecernji list, 16.10. |
Need-based scholarship: | Need-based scholarships for the following categories are awarded through this scholarships program: - osobe slabog imovinskog statusa |
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Published 13.04.2010.