Master in EU Studies Online
Rok za prijavu: 05.09.2011.
Kontakt institucija: | CIFE - Centre international de formation européenne - Executive Master in EU Studies |
Razina studija: | diplomski studij |
Područje studija: | društvene znanosti |
Mjesto studija: | Europa |
Certificate and Master in EU Studies Online
The European Online Academy (EOA) is organised by the Centre international de formation européenne in cooperation with the Jean Monnet-Chair of Political Science of the University of Cologne and other partners. The EOA has developed two postgraduate programmes:
- Certificate in EU Studies Online (one year)
- Master in EU Studies Online (two years).
EU expertise for professionals
The EOA allows the participants to deepen and to supplement their knowledge of the EU integration process by applying EU expertise for professionals learning methods through a combination of e-learning and concentrated face-to-face learning phases (at weekends mainly). Thus the programmes are an ideal training and an additional qualification for young professionals, postgraduates and junior officials interested in or already working in the field of European integration. The programmes offer an outstanding opportunity for young professionals to continue their studies while at the same time pursuing their careers. Each year´s intake is made up of participants (max. 35) with diverse backgrounds and national origins.
- gain an enhanced knowledge of recent developments in the European integration process : Certificate in EU Studies Online (30 ECTS)
- the interdisciplinary study of all three core subjects Political Science, European Law and Economics, and the submission of a Master thesis in one of the above core subjects: Master in EU Studies Online (60 ECTS)
Deadline for the online application is 5 September 2010.
A limited number of scholarships are awarded to particularly qualified candidates to cover part of the fee.
For further information and application please consult our website or contact Aline Palige (
Master in EU studies (682 kb)
Pro?logodi?nji natječaji
Master in EU Studies Online (2010)