Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > European Parliament Translation Traineeships, Luxembourg

Baza natječaja

European Parliament Translation Traineeships, Luxembourg

Rok za prijavu: 15.02.2013.

Kontakt institucija: European Parliament
Razina studija: radni posjet, program profesionalnog usavršavanja
Područje studija: humanističke znanosti
Mjesto studija: Luksemburg




The European Parliament offers translation traineeships in its Secretariat in order to contribute to the vocational training of young citizens, and to the understanding of the working of the institution.

Paid traineeships are awarded solely to graduates of universities or equivalent institutions. Their purpose is to enable trainees to supplement the knowledge which they acquired during their studies and to familiarise themselves with the activities of the European Union and, in particular, the European Parliament.

The general conditions are that applicants are citizens of a Member State of the EU or of an applicant country; aged 18 or over on the traineeship starting day; and have not been awarded any other (paid/unpaid) traineeship by or paid employment of an institution of the EU.

Translation traineeships are assigned to Luxembourg. Paid translation traineeships are awarded for a period of three months. On an exceptional basis, they may be extended for a maximum period of three months.

For guidance, in 2011 the scholarship amounted to EUR 1 213.55 a month. If you are interested in a paid translation traineeship, please read the Internal Rules Governing Translation Traineeships. You can also find a FAQ page HERE.


Applicants for paid translation traineeship must:

  • have a university degree after a course or study of at least three years’ duration;
  • have a perfect knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU or of the official language of an applicant country, and a thorough knowledge of two others.
  • be nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of a candidate country (Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro or Turkey);
  • be aged 18 or over on the traineeship starting date;
  • not have been awarded any other paid traineeship, or have been in paid employment for more than four consecutive weeks, with a European institution or a Member or political group of the European Parliament;
  • have obtained, before the deadline for the submission of applications, a university degree after a course of study of at least three years’ duration.


The online application form is available AT THIS WEBSITE. Navigate down the page and click “Online application form.”

For the traineeship beginning 1 July 2013, the application deadline is at midnight 15 February 2013.

For the traineeship beginning 1 October 2013, the application deadline is at midnight 15 May 2013.

If you are preselected, the following will be requested as supporting documents:

  • the application form, duly completed and signed,
  • a copy of your passport or identity card,
  • copies of your diplomas and certificates,
  • and a copy of your university marks (results), if you have them.

It is not necessary to send these supporting documents at this stage. The documents will only be requested if you pass the preselection stage. If you are preselected for a traineeship, your application will be deemed valid only if you provide the full set of documents mentioned above.

Please note that if you leave your application form inactive for 30 minutes, the data you have entered will be lost. Therefore read carefully the Internal Rules Governing Translation Traineeships before filling in the application form.

The application cannot be changed online and is completed and submitted in a single operation. A printed copy of the sample form is AVAILABLE HERE to help you prepare your application before you submit it online.

See the original call for applications AVAILABLE HERE for more information.





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