Međunarodna stipendija na The Reynolds Journalism Institute
Rok za prijavu: 15.02.2016.
Kontakt institucija: | Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) |
Razina studija: | program profesionalnog usavršavanja |
Područje studija: | društvene znanosti |
Mjesto studija: | Sjeverna Amerika |
The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) traži kandidate iz inozemstva i SAD-a za svoj program stipendiranja koji bi surađivali s RJI na idejama i projektima koji bi im pomogli da shvate i saznaju informacije koje su potrebne pojedincima koji imaju ulogu građana. Program se orijentira na inovaciju i rješavanje problema. Stipendija iznosi od 10.000 dolara za američke kandidate i do 20.000 dolara za strane novinare. Rok prijave je 15.02.2016. a detalje možete saznati na njihovoj web stranici.
The fellowship program is focused on innovation and problem-solving. Each fellow is expected to produce deliverables intended to enhance the practice and understanding of journalism or advertising.
Areas of Interest
- Projects focused on inclusivity and engaging communities;
- Applied research that helps better understand the business and practice of journalism;
- New techniques, tools and technologies;
- Prototypes that need further development and market testing;
- Ideas for new revenue streams or business models that many news organizations could adopt.
Eligibility Criteria
- RJI Fellowships are open to U.S. citizens and foreign journalists;
- RJI welcomes any proposals that offer the hope of strengthening the journalism-democracy relationship.
- Fellowships
- RJI Residential Fellowship: $10,000 a month stipend and a one-time $10,000 allowance to use for relocation or housing;
- RJI Non Residential Fellowship: $20,000 stipend, payable monthly for eight months at $2,500/month, plus some research and travel support;
- RJI Institutional Fellowship: $20,000 payable to the company or institution, in four $5,000 payments.
How to Apply?
Interested applicants can apply online HERE.