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Baza natječaja

Otvorene prijave za Balkansku stipendiju za novinarsku izvrsnost

Rok za prijavu: 01.03.2016.

Kontakt institucija: Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence
Razina studija: nije definirano
Područje studija: društvene znanosti


Otvorene su prijave za Balkansku stipendiju za novinarsku izvrsnost. To je prilika za iskusne novinare da iskažu svoj talent u istraživačkom radu na relevantnoj tematici uz kvalitetnu uredničku podršku, budžet za pokrivanje troškova istraživanja, priliku da sudjeluju na brojnim seminarima, ali i publikaciju radova u cijelom svijetu. Tema ove godine je "Povjerenje". Rok za prijavu prijedloga za rad je 1. ožujka, 2016.

Detaljne informacije pročitajte u nastavku ili na službenoj stranici.

Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence

  • Deadline: 1 March 2016
  • Open to: experienced journalists from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece and Serbia
  • Fellowship: EUR 2,000 bursary and up to another EUR 2,000 for travel and research expenses


Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence is a yearly competition in which ten journalists are chosen to receive funding and professional support to conduct in-depth research into a topic of regional and EU significance – for 2016 the subject is “Trust”. It is a chance to advance your career and work on a story you can be proud of. You will be supported by experienced editors and journalists from around the region. Stories from the programme will be published by BIRN and by prominent regional and international media outlets. The fellowship will run from April until December 2016.


Experienced journalists from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece and Serbia.


The fellowship programme involves the following elements:

  • Fellowship bursary of EUR 2,000 per selected fellow;
  • Introductory seminar in Vienna, with regional and international speakers (April 2016);
  • Grant of up to EUR 2,000 for research expenses, including one regional trip and one trip within the EU, with guidance and organisational support provided by programme partners;
  • On-going mentoring and support from programme editor and BIRN representatives in Balkan countries;
  • Two-day editing sessions in the region (September /October 2016);
  • Final evaluation seminar and award ceremony in the region (December 2016);
  • Worldwide publication of reports in all local languages and English (November/December 2016);
  • Membership of fellowship alumni network.

The top three stories, as selected by an independent jury, will also receive cash awards. The top prize-winner will win EUR 4,000, the second will receive EUR 3,000 and the third EUR 1,000.

How to apply?

Please send your application (application guidelines) with your proposal for a story based on the theme of Trust by 1 March 2016 via e-mail to fellowship@birn.eu.com or send printed applications by post to:

Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence – Application
c/o: BIRN
Kolarceva 7/V
11000 Belgrade

For more information please visit the official website.





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