Roberto Villagraz stipendije za mlade fotografe
Rok za prijavu: 19.04.2007.
Kontakt institucija: | Veleposlanstvo Kraljevine Španjolske |
Razina studija: | diplomski studij |
Područje studija: | humanističke znanosti |
Mjesto studija: | Španjolska |
Roberto Villagraz svholarships, 2007-2008
EFTI School of Photography and Image Centre announces its Fifth Roberto Villagraz scholarships of Photography, aiming to award three photographers with a scholarship that will enable them to develop their professional careers through the study of a Masters Course of Photography at the school (The cost of the course for this edition [2007-08] is 6,635€).
To mark EFTI’ s 20th anniversary, this year’s edition adds a stipend of 1,000 € for each award-winner. The contest is open to anybody between 18 to 39 years old, irrespective of their nationality.
There is no application fee.
Applicants must be able to complete a one-year course in any of its two next editions, starting in September 2007 and January 2008.
The deadline is strictly 22:00 PM on April 19th, 2007. This will not be extended under any circumstances.
For more information about the application procedure and other information visit the website .