Početna stranica > Baza natječaja > The 69th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics

Baza natječaja

The 69th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics

Rok za prijavu: 30.04.2012.

Kontakt institucija: University of Edinburgh
Razina studija: kraći studijski program
Područje studija: prirodne znanosti
Mjesto studija: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo


The 69th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics
Universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland

This advanced summer school on LHC phenomenology will cover a very broad spectrum of experimental and theoretical activity in particle physics, from the searches for the Higgs boson and physics beyond the Standard Model, to detailed studies of Quantum Chromodynamics, the B-physics sectors and the properties of hadronic matter at high energy density as realised in heavy-ion collisions.

The lectures and informal discussions will include an introduction to the theoretical and phenomenological framework of hadron collisions, and current theoretical models of frontier physics, as well as an overview of the main detector components, the initial calibration procedures and physics samples, and early LHC results.

The School will aim to cover all these at a pedagogical level, starting with a basic introduction to the Standard Model and its most likely extensions. Theoretical training will be supplemented by courses on the detector capabilities and search strategies. In summary, the aim of the school will be to equip young particle physicists with the basic tools to extract the maximum benefit from the various LHC experiments.

The School is organised by the Universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

  • Directors: Craig Buttar , Franz Muheim
  • Members: Sean Benson, Stephan Eisenhardt, Colin Froggatt, Einan Gardi, Nigel Glover, Victoria Martin, Aidan Robson, Suzanne Scott


In order to register for the School, please fill out the application form. Please note, registrations and references must be received by 30th April.

The fee for the School is £1100 and covers all meals, accommodation and social outings during the School, in addition to the proceedings distributed after the School.

Financial assistance

Bursaries will be awarded to students applying from Scottish Universities Physics Alliance institutes.

For students applying with extenuating circumstances, financial support is available. If you wish to apply for this support, then please complete the relevant sections of the application form.

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