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Communication Skills Institute for International students - UCLA 2024

Deadline: contstantly open

Level: not defined
Field of study: not defined


The Communication Skills Institute for International Students (CSIIS) at UCLA will again be offering two very special classes this summer:   COMM1A and COMM1B

CSIIS will be giving International Students a holistic program in acquiring English language skills and orientation to American culture. Comprised of two courses, Comm1A (Public Speaking for Nonnative Speakers) and Comm1B (Learning American English and Culture from Movies) CSIIS is designed to focus the educational potential of UCLA’s Department of Communication and the cultural venues of Los Angeles into a comprehensive, effective, and enjoyable educational environment. 


Session A:

COMM1A Schedule of Classes | UCLA Registrar’s Office

COMM1B: Schedule of Classes | UCLA Registrar’s Office

Session C:

COMM1A: Schedule of Classes | UCLA Registrar’s Office

COMM1B: Schedule of Classes | UCLA Registrar’s Office





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