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OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships: University of Oxford & University of York

Deadline: 25.11.2005.

Scholarship administrator: Institut za razvoj obrazovanja
Level: postgraduate
Field of study: Social Sciences, Humanities
Place of study: United Kingdom


OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships 2006-2007
University of Oxford & University of York

SIC-Student Information Centre welcomes applications from citizens of Croatia for the OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships 2006-2007, which are jointly funded by the Open Society Institute and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The scholarships are intended to provide opportunities for postgraduate study in selected fields in the United Kingdom for scholars and young professionals who demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision makers and opinion formers in their home countries. Applicants must have excellent academic qualifications, a clear and precise proposal describing what they wish to study, and a fluent command of the English language. The scholarships cover all university and college fees, travel to and from the UK, and basic living expenses for a single person.

Within the Scholarship Scheme the following options are available:

A. Research Scholarships

  1. Nine-month Research Scholarships at the University of Oxford (October 2006 to June 2007 inclusive) for postgraduate research contributing towards a doctoral degree in the candidate’s home institution. Up to 22 awards are available for all the participating countries. These awards may be held for study in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences. These scholarships do not allow scholars to register for a degree at the University.
  2. Three-month Research Scholarships in Applied Social Studies at the University of Oxford for officials, experts or consultants working for governmental or public bodies who wish to do research on a topic of direct relevance to the development or functioning of that body.

B. Master’s Scholarships

  1. One-year Scholarships to read for a Master’s degree. Up to 15 awards are available, and are for study leading to one of the following:

    Byzantine Studies Master of Studies (M.St.), Comparative Social Policy Master of Science (M.Sc.), Criminology and Criminal Justice M.Sc., Economic and Social History M.Sc., Economics for Development M.Sc., English M.St., Environmental Studies (Biodiversity, Conservation & Management M.Sc., Environmental Change and Management M.Sc., Nature, Society & Environmental Policy M.Sc.; or Water Science, Policy & Management M.Sc.), Magister Juris, European Literature M.St., Forced Migration M.Sc., General Linguistics & Comparative Philology M.St., Greek/Latin Languages & Literature M.St., Jewish Studies M.St., Management Research MSc, Modern History M.St., Modern Jewish Studies M.St., Oriental Studies, Philosophical Theology M.St., Science & Religion M.St., Slavonic Studies M.St., Social Anthropology M.Sc., Sociology M.Sc., Theology M.St. and Women’s Studies M.St.

    Please note: for this option, applicants must submit two kinds of application forms:(1) One Scholarship application form sent to SIC-Student Information Centre, Zagreb. This must be submitted by November 25, 2005. Late applications will not be considered for the Scholarship. (2) One university admission application sent to the University through the Graduate Admissions Office. The final closing date for graduate admissions applications to arrive in Oxford is 20th January 2005, for consideration for this scholarship. All supporting material (e.g. written work, references and transcripts) must arrive by the same date. It is strongly recommended that applicants apply in time for the earlier University application deadline of 25th November, where possible. For further details go to http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/gsp.
  2. Twelve-month scholarships to read for an MA in Political Philosophy (The Idea of Toleration) at the University of York (October 2006 to September 2007 inclusive).


  1. Applicants must have completed at least four years of university study, and have obtained, or expect to obtain, the appropriate degree(s) by September 2006.
  2. Applicants must be under 35 years of age on 1 October 2006, when the scholars will take their places in the UK. 
  3. Applicants for the 9-month research scholarship must either be registered (or have a firm intention of registering) for a higher degree in their home country, OR be employed as junior faculty members in a university or equivalent institution in their home country. 
  4. Applicants for the 3-month research scholarship should possess some practical experience. 
  5. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied outside of their home country. 
  6. Applicants will be required to have passed an English proficiency test (IELTS or TOEFL).

Application forms and further details are available from: SIC-Student Information Centre, Preradovićeva 33/I, 10000 Zagreb, web site: www.sic.hr, e-mail: tfarnell@sic.hr. Please indicate whether you are applying for the Research or the Master’s Scholarships, as there are two different application forms. Completed application forms for both Scholarships must be returned to this address not later than 25 November 2005.

It is expected that interviews of short-listed candidates will be held in Zagreb during the week beginning 3 April 2006. Only candidates who are available for interview in this week can be considered.



A. Research_Notes & Application form (151 kb)
B. Masters_Notes & Application form (190 kb)
Oxford Graduate Admissions Application Form (207 kb)
Oxford Graduate Admissions Notes for Guidance (674 kb)
Reference form (26 kb)




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