Stipendija za međunarodne studente za diplomski studij u Belgiji
Rok za prijavu: 31.03.2016.
Kontakt institucija: | The Government of Flandres |
Razina studija: | diplomski studij |
Područje studija: | društvene znanosti |
Mjesto studija: | Belgija |
Belgijska vlada nudi do 45 školarina za diplomski studij međunarodnim studentima. Te školarine su namijenjene redovnim studentima za studij na diplomskim programima iz područja društvenih znanosti u odabranim belgijskim institucijama.
Godišnja školarina može iznositi maksimalno do 7,500 eura, a rok za prijave je 31. ožujak 2016.
Više informacija možete naći u daljnjem tekstu i na web stranici programa.
The Flemish Government is the executive branch of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region of Belgium. It consists of a government cabinet, headed by the Minister-President and accountable to the Flemish Parliament, and the public administration (civil service) divided into 13 policy areas, each with an executive department and multiple agencies. The scholarships are awarded for all study areas.
- The applicant is registered as a full-time student at a higher education institution (hereafter ‘Home Institution’) at the moment of application, and applies to take up a Master degree programme at a higher education institution in Flanders (hereafter ‘Flemish Host Institution’);
- The applicant should have a high standard of academic performance and/or potential. He/she meets all academic entrance criteria, including relevant language requirements, for entering the Master programme in question offered by the Flemish Host Institution;
- The Home Institution of the applicant and the Flemish Host Institution have signed a cooperation agreement;
- Students from all countries can apply;
- The Home Institution is located outside of Flanders.
The incoming student is awarded a scholarship of maximum EUR 7,500 per academic year.
How to apply?
In addition to the application form for the scholarship, the applicant must submit the following documents:
- Copy of passport;
- Official transcript of records. If written in another language than Dutch, French or English, enclose a certified translation;
- Official language test results;
- Letter of motivation (from 1 to maximum 2 A4 pages);
- A letter of recommendation from 2 professors of their home institution;
- A copy of acquired diploma(s). If written in another language than Dutch, French or English, enclose a certified translation;
- Copy of cooperation agreement between flemish host and home institution;
- These form should be renamed with the applicant’s last name and date of birth (surname_ddmmyy).
The application needs to be submitted online by the flemish host institution. Student must contact the higher education institution of their choice directly. The application deadline is 31 March, 2016.