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Poslijediplomski studij u Montpellieru

Deadline: 29.04.2015.

Scholarship administrator: Francusko veleposlanstvo u Hrvatskoj
Level: not defined
Field of study: not defined
Place of study: France


PhD fellowship in Montpellier

An international call is organised by the Doctoral School CBS2 to:

· Select students allowed to prepare a thesis in one of the research units linked to the doctoral school

· Allocate about 17 PhD Fellowships (“contrat doctoral”). Selected applicants will be able to perform their thesis research in one of the research units affiliated to the Doctoral School (see http://ecole-doctorale-cbs2.igh.cnrs.fr).  In the same call, 2-3 further PhD Fellowships are offered for translational research at the ‘Centres Hospitaliers Universitaires’ (CHU) of Montpellier and Nīmes.  

Information about the Doctoral School-2015 PhD Studentships is provided on the website http://ecole-doctorale-cbs2.igh.cnrs.fr/PhD programme 2015.

Motivated candidates should submit their application using the dedicated site at http://www.adum.fr/script/candidature/index.pl?site=cbs2, before the 2015-04-29 16:00 GMT+02:00.





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